The #Manitoba Government resumes on Oct 7th, and people are scared. This government continues to make cuts and pursue an agenda of austerity and privatization amidst the pandemic.
Join us in taking action to tell the Pallister government that the actions and cuts they are making have serious implications, and Manitobans are scared.
As MLA’s return to the Leg, we will have it decorated with “tombstone” signs that lament all of the things (services, organizations, experiences, etc) that are lost or under threat due to the cuts of this government. Due to COVID, we will not be gathering in person but will be collecting signs and having a small group put them up at the Leg.
Ways you can take action!
Make a sign - Cut out a tombstone from cardboard and make a sign with the services that you are missing due to the government's cuts. We will post locations for sign drop off or arrange pick ups to get them from you.
Post on social media with the prompt: “What scares you about the actions of Manitoba's government?” and hashtag #WhatScaresYouMB
Make a sign - Cut out a tombstone from cardboard and make a sign with the services that you are missing due to the government's cuts. We will post locations for sign drop off or arrange pick ups to get them from you.
Post on social media with the prompt: “What scares you about the actions of Manitoba's government?” and hashtag #WhatScaresYouMB
Follow along on Oct 7th on this event page and CNC social media to amplify the action.
Tune in to our online broadcast at 5pm!
We will also be having a small, socially distanced art build in Vimmy Ridge Park on Sunday October 4, 1-4pm. Please message us if you can make it or have materials to offer, and we will be making a schedule to less than ten people at a time.
October 07, 2020 at 5:00pm - 7pm