Help plan a rally at the Legislature on March 24 when our government will return to session and begin pushing their agenda. It's time for us to stand together and demand better.
Better healthcare. Better housing. Better Childcare. Better Climate Action. Better Jobs. Better Pay. Better Education. Better Investment. A Better Province.
Planners, organizers, graphic designers, social media promoters and general human power to make this rally happen.
EVERYONE is needed to make sure there is a HUGE turnout.
RSVP below to join our weekly planning meetings - every Wednesday in February from 7-8pm
Once you RSVP you will receive an email with the Zoom Meeting details.
You can also provide input by completing our Rally Planning Survey.
Mark your calendar for EVERY Wednesday in February from 7-8PM.
March 23, 2022 at 7:00pm - 7pm